
We lend the following items:

  • Written exams and transcripts of oral exams of previous semesters
  • Lockers
  • Boardgames and VR goggles


We have a collection of past exams as well as memory transcripts of oral exams. In order to receive copies, please visit us in our office and ask for previous exams of your modules. Our office is located in room 0.001 (first door to the right when entering through the North entrance) of the Computer Science building (Universitätsstr. 38).

If you are unable to come by in person, you can request previous exams via email. Please consider that this is more effort for us and therefore may take a while. In that case, please send an email with the names of the exams to verleih@fius.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de. Your request will open a ticket and we will, in time, send you a link to the requested exams.

Occasionally, the department responsible for the subject has old exams available on it’s website or in the corresponding Ilias course. (see German version of this page for links regarding some German lectures)

We need your help:

We want to keep our collection up to date to provide you and your fellow students with the most current past exams and as many oral exam transcripts as possible. To do this, we need your help!
Please, when you’ve taken your exam ask the examiners for a copy or write a transcript e. g. with some fellow students.
You can then upload the copy or protocol, e. g. as pdf file, to https://nextcloud.stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de/s/XA8979GB2P6gaSd or hand it in at our room.
You will be compensated both with chocolate and by delighting the students who come after you. 🙂

The following information is very helpful in transcripts:

  • Name of the subject(s) and type of examination (written, oral, Vertiefungslinie, …)
  • examiner
  • semester of the examination (e.g. Summer semester 2022), optionally also the date
  • how it went
    • Were you allowed to choose a topic?
    • Which questions where asked?
    • What was the general mood during the exam?
    • What were your answers? Were they correct or wrong?
    • How were wrong answers handled?
    • How much time were you allowed to spend?

Your Questions and Ideas

If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to send a message to verleih@fius.de or to ask us personally at our room.

Hint: We regularily get messages sent via Ilias. Since Ilias always uses noreply@ilias.uni-stuttgart.de as senders address, we cannot answer these requests!
⇒ Please use a “real” mail program like the one provided at mail.uni-stuttgart.de.        


We manage the lockers in the computer science building and rent them out to students free of charge.

If you want to rent a locker, come to our office with 15 Euro in bills as a deposit and your student ID card to show us. You will have to leave a few details so that we can contact you. If there are any lockers available, you will get a key right away. Otherwise you will be placed on the waiting list.

Important: you have to extend your locker rental period every semester by coming by our office with your then current semester ID. We will remind you at the beginning of each semester by e-mail.

Boardgames and VR-Goggles

We have many different board and card games as well as 2 VR goggles. We lend these to all students for free. Just stop by our room 🙂
The maximum rental period is 2 weeks and you only have to leave a small deposit that you will get back when you return the equipment.

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